Well, a week ago I said I'd take the Daily Painting thing one day at a
time, and I made it a week. I had an epiphany yesterday while working
on my newest batch of underpaintings, and I realized that when the
pressure of the Daily Painting Machine was creating Stress in my life,
then it was time to stop taking it so seriously! I mean, who's the Boss
here, huh? Ok, I know I have workaholic tendencies, and I'm very serious
about living up to the goals I set for myself - and most especially the
Goals I post online for all to see! (...which is sometimes the only way
I ever get anything done, lol.) And I've done 30-in-30's before with no
problems (or at least no problems that prevented me from getting it
done) so on the one hand I couldn't understand why this first month of
my new open-ended Daily Painting Goal should be so difficult.
Really! But several things coalesced yesterday in my mind and foremost of those thoughts was the simple and pure
I was getting out of working on the new batch of underpaintings. So
much that when my stressed out workaholic pointed out to me that if I
didn't pause this batch process and get at least one of these pastelled
to the finish for yesterday's post, I wouldn't have a post for the day.
yesterday's batch of underpaintings... first layer finished |
That thought was SO annoying that I only gave it about 5 seconds of
consideration before replying, "Shut. Up! I'm HERE. In my STUDIO.
WORKING, and ENJOYING it. And how DARE you interrupt me and tell me what
to do!!"
So, I continued to finish the first
underpainting layer on all 19 new little paintings-in-progress, then I
went back to the house and made dinner.
After dinner,
my competitive left-brained workaholic needed to justify my flippant
decision to skip a post, so I looked up a few of my favorite Daily
Painters and collected some data...
I was happy to find out that
Julian Merrow-Smith
had posted 267 paintings in his first year, and an average of 203
paintings per year across the 15 years that he's been posting his famous
Postcards From Provence.
Carol Marine,
my personal introduction to Daily Painting, posted 319 in her first
year as a Daily painter, and 225 per year average across 13 years. And
so just out of curiosity I checked on
Duane Keiser, the "original" Daily
Painter, and found that he had a whopping 388(!) posts in his first
year, but an average of only 111 posts per year for the following 14
It seems my impression that "Daily Painters"
actually post daily on a continuous basis has been a myth all along.
(Although starting off strong seems to be key!)
I'm so relieved!!
top if off, this morning on the way to the grocery store, someone
talking on NPR who had written some book was saying that these days it's
important not to stress yourself about work. Just do what you can and
make sure you allow yourself time to just "be." I only heard a snippet
of the interview but that part really hit home.
So, my
new revised Daily Painting Life Goal will be to paint and post as often
as I can enjoy doing it, and just try to beat my 13 posts/month average
as much as I can.
And, oh yeah, NO STRESS!!
Have you had any recent arguments with your self over how to use your time or what you think you need to do vs. what your soul cries out for? (Sometimes what you really need to do IS what your soul cries out for!) I'd love to hear from you!