Friday, May 21, 2021

The Joy of Digital (or "Why Take Lots of Photos") and an Important Announcement!


I've been meaning to make a little post on this -- specifically about the benefits of taking LOTS of photos.

I've created eight large paintings and several small ones from this same "photo shoot" of this herd of sheep I came across somewhere in North Texas years ago. And I still haven't exhausted the possibilities.

I must say, when the conditions are just right - the light, the subject, the time - you'd best run with it, and keep snapping!  Good fortune smiled upon me when I found these sheep.

On this public Patreon post you can read some tips on scoping for photo refs, more about how I found these sheep, and a little gallery of all the paintings (15!) I've done so far from them. ...Be sure to read all the way to the end, for my favorite features in a camera and a terrific digital camera reviewing site!


The Feedburner team announced that their email subscription service will be discontinued in July 2021. As a result, Blogger’s email subscription widget, also known as FollowByEmail, will be turned off. Specifically, the email subscription system will no longer work and subscribers to Google blogs will no longer receive email updates.

SO! If you're receiving this post via email, I thank you for your subscription, but you will no longer be getting these delivered to you from my Google Blog after next month. 

But don't despair! There's a way you can still get my Art Journal musings in your inbox! Simply follow my public Patreon Posts. Sure, Patreon is a subscription-based creative support platform, but you don't have to pay anything for my public posts, and just about all of my new work gets posted on my Patreon page, along with occasional art tips and extra info like this post.  CLICK HERE to go to my Patreon Page and right below the membership levels, next to a button that says "share" is a button that says "follow". It's that easy! (Browse around my other free posts while you're in there..)

Thanks so much for following my blog. Here's to many more years of following my Patreon, and to many more years of creative thinking!

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